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Somalia Tops Minority Threat List


Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/03/20 17:10:15 GMT

Somalia has overtaken Iraq as the world’s most dangerous country for
minority groups, a study has found.

Sudan, Afghanistan and Burma followed in the global survey by the
Minority Rights Group International (MRG).

It alleges the US ignored abuses of minorities in countries supporting
the US "war on terror" including Pakistan, Turkey and Israel.

Sri Lanka saw the highest rise in persecutions with renewed fighting
between government and rebel forces.

"A new government in Somalia has raised hopes for democracy, but it
is also a uniquely dangerous time," said MRG’s director Mark Lattimer.

"There is the spectre of a return of large-scale clan violence – and
groups that supported the old order are now under tremendous threat."

MRG said the Darood, Hawiye and Issaq clans are under threat as well
as the Bantu group.

Darfur crisis

Sudan is the third worst offender, said the State of the World’s
Minorities report, because of the violence in Darfur.

FIVE WORST COUNTRIES Somalia Iraq Sudan Afghanistan Burma Source:
Minority Rights Group International Most computers will open this
document automatically, but you may need Adobe Reader

More than two million people have been displaced since the fighting
began in 2003 and the UN says refugee camps in the region are almost

At least 200,000 have been died in the ongoing violence between
pro-government Arab Janjaweed militia groups and rebel groups in

The MRG said farmers from the Zahgawa, Masalit and Fur groups,
amongst others, have been targeted.

Minority groups in Iraq including Christians, Yezidis and Mandaeans
face targeted killings, abductions and torture.

The group’s study links tensions in Turkey surrounding the EU
accession process to a surge in religious and nationalist extremism
behind attacks on minorities – such as the murder of Turkish-Armenian
writer Hrant Dink at the end of 2006.

"US allies have managed to barter their support for the war on
terror in return for having their human rights records ignored,"
said Mr Lattimer.

The MRG also blames the "war on terror" for a rise in anti-Muslim
attacks and intimidation within the European Union affecting millions
of ethnic Arabs, South Asians and other Muslim minorities.

In Sri Lanka, minority Tamils and Muslims are caught up in fighting
and increasingly becoming targets for abduction and disappearance
after the breakdown of peace efforts between Tamil Tiger rebels and
government forces last year.

"In three-quarters of the world’s conflicts, the killing is now
targeted at particular ethnic or religious groups," said Mr Lattimer.

"Because they are usually minorities their suffering is largely

Tamamian Anna:
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