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OSCE Observers Need Fortune Tellers


[04:11 pm] 21 March, 2007

more images March 21,2007-Ambassador Boris Frlec, head of the OSCE’s
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) assured the
journalists today that in case the observers are subject to pressure
they will resist and do their utmost to be independent.

"Unfortunately the RA elections haven’t met the standards of the OSCE
mission so far. The upcoming elections give a chance to change the
tendency", Mr. Frlec says.

Yesterday ODHIR opened an election observation mission for the 12
May parliamentary elections in Armenia.

Thirteen experts from 12 countries will be based in Yerevan, and 29
long-term observers will be deployed around the country. The ODIHR
will request that a further 300 short-term observers be provided
by OSCE participating States to monitor the opening and closing of
polling stations on election day, voting, the vote count, and the
tabulation of results.

The mission will assess the parliamentary elections for their
compliance with principles for democratic electoral processes,
including commitments agreed to by all 56 OSCE participating States,
as well as with national legislation.

Observers will closely monitor campaign activities, the work of
the election administration and relevant governmental bodies,
election-related legislation and its implementation, the media
environment, and the resolution of election-related disputes.

"The recently amended election code of Armenia provides a sound
framework for democratic elections, but the challenge for the
authorities is its implementation in good faith, so that this and
future elections are held in accordance with OSCE commitments,"
said the head of the ODIHR mission.

Boris Frlec claims that political will power is a precondition for
free and fair elections.

In answer to the question whether the political power exists, Mr. Frlec
said, "We must apply to a fortune teller to answer your question now."

The observers’ mission arrived in Armenia prior to the elections to
get familiarized with the pre-election campaigns and atmosphere. "We
shall stay in Armenia after the elections to see whether there are
any complaints", Mr. Frlec noted. To note, the observers will meet
the opposition representatives, "We must be guided by the existing
norms of behaviour which imply to be unbiased and impartial."

Chmshkian Vicken:
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