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BAKU: MP Vahit Erdem Believes "Armenian Genocide" Will Be Dropped Fr


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 22 2007

Member of Parliament, head of the Turkey Group at the NATO
Parliamentary Assembly Vahit Erdem, who visited Washington to call
for abortion of the so-called alleged "Armenian genocide" bill,
is interviewed by APA.

-Who did you meet within the scope of your visit to Washington?

-We met 25 members of Congress and had a gathering with 15. The
meetings were a success. During our stay, two congressmen withdrew
their signature and some promised that they will not favor the draft
bill. Prior to us, Turkish Foreign Minister and Armed Forces Staff
Chief had also pushed for this. I think everything is in positive
direction and I believe that the alleged draft bill will be struck
off the Congress agenda this year as well. We briefed congressmen
that the draft would harm the relations between Turkey and the United
States and is of no importance for any.

We tried to persuade them that the draft is wrong in context and
would likely cast shadow to the image of Congress. Our mission was
very important. The draft, it seems to me, will be dropped from the
agenda this year too.

-Can the U.S. side with Armenia against Turkey? Is it possible?

-U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert
Gates have called on the House of Representatives not to endorse the
pending Armenian genocide resolution. This message was relayed in a
strongly worded letter sent to congressional leaders.

All these magnetized the compass to point to Turkey.

How is it expedient to pass the draft against the strategic cooperation
between Turkey and the US, continuing process in the Middle East,
collaboration in other projects? Turkey has great influence in the
Middle Asia and the Caspian region. We try to explain Americans that
on the one hand they give us huge missions to implement, on the other
hand, they want to pass decisions against us.

The double standards are against the interests of the United States.

-Did you touch on occupation of Azerbaijan’s territories by Armenia
during your meetings?

-We explained that on the one hand, they seek to pull Armenia towards
the West, on the other hand, they direct Armenian against Turkey and
drive it to the embrace of Russia. Armenia has been pursuing hostile
policy against both Azerbaijan and Turkey. Azerbaijan enjoys access
to the West while Armenia has a door – it is through Turkey. So,
the U.S. should pass positive decisions. By the way, Turk-American
Friendship Society will meet next week, a delegation under Minister
of State Ali Babacan will have some work there. The delegation will
also include representatives from the Armed Forces, Chambers and
Bourse Union. Another mission will leave fro the U.S. in mid April.

It is not enough to postpone the false draft, it should be deleted
completely. Turkey should set target to strike this off the political
agenda completely.

Nadirian Emma:
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