Four Yezidis Nominate Their Candidatures By Proportional System For


Noyan Tapan
Mar 22 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 22, NOYAN TAPAN. Turkish troops have entered Northern
Iraq’s territory called Larosh, which is considered to be the homeland
and sacred place of Yezidis. Aziz Tamoyan, world Yezidis’ leader,
reported this at the March 23 press conference. Though official sources
do not confirm A. Tamoyan’s statement, nevertheless, he assured that
his sources are very reliable: "I have contacts in some European
countries and these rumors have been confirmed."

In his words, Yezidi community of Armenia condemns that phenomenon
and is going to apply to UN Armenian Office, to international
organizations, as well as to Embassies of a number of countries. "If
Turks have territorial problems with Kurds, let them sit at a table
and solve their problems and not enter the territory of minorities,"
A. Tamoyan said. In his words, at the beginning of 20th century,
besides exterminating 1.5 mln Armenians, Turks also killed 500 thousand
Yezidis and now, in his words, are going to annihilate 1 mln Yezidis
residing in Larosh. Touching upon the issue of parliamentary elections
to be held on May 12 in Armenia, A. Tamoyan said that the Yezidi
community of Armenia has its candidate, whose name he did not wish to
publicize, as after it, in his words, Yezidi community will split. At
the same time it was mentioned that four Yezidis have nominated their
candidatures by proportional system for the parliamentary elections,
two out of which were included in the proportional list of People’s
Party (PP), one candidate in the proportional list of Bargavach
Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia) Party and one in Dashink (Alliance)
Party’s proportional list. In A. Tamoyan’s words, PP Chairman Tigran
Karapetian got insulted that the majority of Yezidis will not support
him, but "each man decides himself for whom to vote and one must not
exert pressure upon people."