Intl Public Favors Labor and Environmental Standards in Trade Agrmnt

Armenian Center for National and International Studies
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March 22, 2007

International Public Strongly Favors Labor and Environmental Standards in
Trade Agreements

Overwhelming Majorities in Many Developing Countries and the United States
Support Protections

March 22, 2007, 01:00 GMT
Contact, International Findings:
Steven Kull, 202-232-7500
Christopher Whitney, 312-821-7516

March 22, 2007, Yerevan, 16:00
Contact, Armenia Findings:
Stepan Safarian, 37410-528-780
Syuzanna Barseghian, 37410-274-818

Yerevan–The Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS)
today convened a roundtable discussion to present the results of the second
in a series of reports based on a poll of worldwide opinion on key global
issues. The report was devoted to labor and environmental standards in trade
agreements. The meeting brought together citizens, members of environmental
and international trade organizations, analysts, and media representatives.

ACNIS director of research Stepan Safarian delivered opening remarks. "As
improvements in trade laws become international norms, Armenia will be
compelled to make similar adjustments," he said. "Even though Armenia’s
economy cannot be compared with that of developed and developing countries,
its general public opinion is well within their average. As a result, we
must now prepare ourselves for the new conditions to be introduced in trade
agreements." ACNIS analyst Syuzanna Barseghian then presented the survey

Strong majorities in developing nations around the world support requiring
countries that sign trade agreements to meet minimum labor and environmental
standards, a multinational poll finds. Nine in 10 Americans also support
such protections.

The leaders of less developed nations have generally opposed including
language mandating minimum standards for working conditions and
environmental protections in trade deals, arguing that such rules are
protectionist and would undermine their ability to compete in major markets
such as Europe and the United States.

Nonetheless, majorities in four developing countries in Asia–China, India,
Thailand and the Philippines–and two middle income countries in Latin
America–Argentina and Mexico–agree that trade agreements should require
governments to maintain "minimum standards" for working conditions or for
the protection of the environment.

Large majorities in three eastern European countries–Poland, Armenia and
Ukraine–also favor such protections as do an overwhelming majority of

"It has often been assumed that when leaders of developing countries argue
against including labor or environmental standards in trade agreements they
represent the wishes of their people," said Steven Kull, editor of "However, it appears that these publics would like
to see the international community put pressure on their governments to
raise their standards."

These findings are part of multinational study by The Chicago Council on
Global Affairs and, in cooperation with polling
organizations around the world. The larger survey includes 17
countries–China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand,
Ukraine, Poland, Iran, Mexico, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia,
Argentina, Peru, Israel, Armenia–and the Palestinian territories.

This is the second in a series of reports based on the survey analyzing
international attitudes on key international issues. Not all questions were
asked in all countries.

The U.S. public is nearly unanimous in its support of requiring that both
labor (93%) and environmental standards (91%) be included in trade
agreements. The Bush administration has opposed the inclusion of such rules
in the past, fearing that they would complicate trade negotiations and might
force the United States to change some of its own labor laws.

"The American public is clearly concerned that trade agreements fail to
protect either workers or the environment," said Christopher Whitney,
executive director for Studies at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
"This strengthens the hand of those in Congress who share this apprehension,
particularly as the White House increases its willingness to negotiate these
issues with Congress in advance of the June expiration of the President’s
Trade Promotion Authority."

Among the poll’s other detailed findings:

– The Chinese favor including labor standards in trade agreements by
a margin of 84 percent to 8 percent and environmental protections by 85
percent to 8 percent.
– The Indian public–whose government has been among those most
opposed to linking trade with labor and environmental issues–support
minimum labor standards by 56 percent to 25 percent and environmental
protections by 60 percent to 28 percent.
– Seven in 10 Thais (69%) say that environmental standards should be
included in trade pacts. Thais were not asked about labor standards.
– Fifty-five percent of Filipinos say trade pacts should include
provisions to protect working conditions, but they are divided about
environmental protections: 48 percent are in favor, 49 percent against.
– Argentines overwhelmingly support including both types of
protections in trade agreements: 89 percent are in favor of minimum
standards on working conditions and 90 percent are in favor of such
standards for protection of the environment.
– Two-thirds (67%) of Mexicans say standards for working conditions
should be included in trade pacts and three-quarters (76%) think
environmental rules should be included.
– Israelis are very enthusiastic with 91 percent favoring labor
standards and 93 percent favoring environmental ones.
– In the formerly socialist economies of Eastern Europe, there is
also strong support: overwhelming majorities of Poles favor labor (88%) and
environmental (90%) standards, as do Ukrainians (85% labor, 88%
environmental) and Armenians (79% labor, 82% environmental).

For complete findings and methodology, please visit
and For the Armenian
version, visit

Founded in 1994 by Armenia’s first Minister of Foreign Affairs Raffi K.
Hovannisian and supported by a global network of contributors, ACNIS serves
as a link between innovative scholarship and the public policy challenges
facing Armenia and the Armenian people in the post-Soviet world. It also
aspires to be a catalyst for creative, strategic thinking and a wider
understanding of the new global environment. In 2007, the Center focuses
primarily on civic education, democratic development, conflict resolution,
and applied research on critical domestic and foreign policy issues for the
state and the nation.

For further information on the Center call (37410) 52-87-80 or 27-48-18; fax
(37410) 52-48-46; email [email protected] or [email protected]; or visit