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Rise In Kindergarten Fees


[06:58 pm] 22 March, 2007

Parents have to pay 15 lari instead of 8 lari per month for their kids
to attend kindergartens. This is due to ammendments made to Georgia
regulations on November 11, 2006. Accordingly, the kindergartens have
gained the status of juridical persons.

"We have formed our regional regulations affirmed by Akhalkalak
region. In compliance with the above mentioned we have become a
separate institution with our own balance, own seal, bank account and
stamp,’ informed Margarita Alvertsyan, director of #2 Kindergarten
in Akhaltskha region.

Before this decision he kindergartens used to be under the
subordination of Ministry of Education and Science in Georgia,
whereas it is now under local regional committee.

Due to the present regulations, each worker should be paid full staff
which is 160 lari (about 95 USD); the director’s salary is 200 lari
(about 118 USD).

Namely, the funding and technical secure are fulfilled by regional
budget and parental payments, as well as additional financial

Jilavian Emma:
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