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BAKU: Turkish and Azerbaijani diasporas mutual initiative culminates

Today, Azerbaijan
March 27 2007

Turkish and Azerbaijani diasporas’ mutual initiative culminates in

27 March 2007 [10:18] – Today.Az

Seeking ways to counter the intensifying attacks of the Armenian
diaspora, the Turkish and Azerbaijani diasporas have finally settled
on a well-crafted strategy, following the First Forum of the World
Azerbaijani and Turkish Diasporas Organizations held in Baku on March

Mehmet Azeriturk, the secretary-general of the Federation of
Turkish-Azeri Associations, told Today’s Zaman that the Turkish and
Azeri diasporas have decided to set up an international body to unite
Azeri and Turkish nongovernmental organizations, the International
Confederation of Turkic Associations.

"As we can see from the so-called Armenian genocide claims, the
Turkish world has difficulties in expressing itself to the world,"
complained Azeriturk while providing information on the latest
initiative of the Turkish and Azerbaijani diasporas. "At the
international level, we cannot ensure proper cooperation among Turkic

"The surveys conducted in Turkey show that only 1 percent of Turks
know about the Nagorno Karabakh issue," Azeriturk noted. "While
Armenians have made the entire world accept their unjustified claims
relating to incidents that occurred 95 years ago, we have failed to
inform even the people in Turkey of the Armenian atrocities in
Karabakh," he said.

"Under these conditions, we had to unite the Turkish world along
their common interests. Inspired by our Prime Minister [Recep Tayyip
Erdogan] and Azerbaijani President [Ilham] Aliyev, we have taken our
first step," Azeriturk said, referring to Erdogan and Aliyev’s
leadership in organizing the forum, to which Turkish Cypriot
President Mehmet Ali Talat had been invited, as a sign of greater
cooperation among Turkish people in the international arena.

The confederation will reportedly be established by the
representatives of Turkish and Azerbaijani diasporas, but
nongovernmental organizations from other Turkic republics can also
join as members. Azeriturk was optimistic about the future and
outcome of this initiative: "Everything will get easier after this
stage. I hope this organization will be a unified voice for the
entire Turkish world in advocating Turkish interests in the
international arena."

A long road to take

On the road to setting up an international lobbying body to represent
the entire Turkish world, first the unification of Turkish and
Azerbaijan nongovernmental organizations in Turkey and Azerbaijan
will be ensured. Later, umbrella organizations will be established in
the US, Canada, Germany, Russia, Australia, France and other
countries to unite Turkish and Azerbaijani associations and
federations. Moreover, nongovernmental organizations in other Turkic
republics will be invited to participate in this unification
initiative. Ultimately, an international confederation will be
established. Its head office will be located in New York and it will
have representative offices all around the world.

While it will primarily deal with the most complicated issues of the
Turkish world, namely those related to Nagorno-Karabakh, Cyprus, and
the Meskhetian Turks, the confederation will also conduct lobbying
activities concerning other problems affecting the Turkish people
around the world. The New York-based Federation of Turkish-American
Association will reportedly provide support, assistance and guidance
to the association.

Heydar Aliyev’s dream

The mastermind behind an international confederation of Turkish NGOs
was President Heydar Aliyev, the founding father of Azerbaijan. He
first announced his idea in 2002. Although he repeatedly talked about
his idea in meetings with Turkic-speaking countries, it could not be
implemented during his lifetime. He even caused the Azerbaijani
Parliament to enact a law to this end, and before he died, he left
the realization of his dream to his followers. In line with his will,
an Undersecretariat of Cooperation with Azerbaijani People Living
Abroad was established in Azerbaijan.

A ministry in charge of the Turkic world was established during the
coalition government of the Democratic Left Party (DSP) and the
Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) in Turkey. When the Justice and
Development Party (AK Party) took power, this ministry was abolished
as part of the reorganization campaign. The ministry reportedly might
be revived or a similar organization could be created, which will be
led by State Minister Besir Atalay. Today’s Zaman


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