Viktor Chernomyrdin: "A Wonderful Person, Talented Organizer And Rea


Noyan Tapan
Mar 30 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 30, NOYAN TAPAN. Telegrams of condolence are still
received from different parts of the world on the occasion of RA
Prime Minister Andranik Margarian’s death:

"Let me present deep condolences on behalf of the government of Japan
on the occasion of sudden death of Prime Minister of the Republic of
Armenia Andranik Margarian. I pray for rest of his soul," is said in
Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe’s telegram.

Wen Jiabao, the Chairman of the State Council of China mentioned
in the telegram sent on behalf of the government of China and
personally himself: "I got to know with deep sorrow about the
premature death of Prime Minister of Armenia Andranik Margarian: I
deeply grieve. Mr. A. Margarian had friendly feelings towards China
for a long time and made active efforts for stimulation of bilateral
cooperation between Armenia and China in all spheres. He had a useful
contribution in the affair of development of the Armenian-Chinese
relations, frienship and mutual cooperation."

"I got the news of prominent politician and statesman of the Republic
of Armenia Andranik Margarian’s death with a deep grief. I ask
at this mournful moment to present our sincere condolences to his
relatives and friends," is said in Prime Minister of Tadzhikistan
Akil Akilov’s telegram.

Ilia II Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia also presented condolences
on behalf of the Georgian Orthodox Church and personally himself on
the occasion of RA Prime Minister Andranik Margarian’s premature death:
"We mourn with the whole Armenian people," the Patriarch mentioned.

Co-Chairmen of the U.S. Congress Armenian Causus Joe Knollenberg’s
and Frank Pallone’s telegram of condolence reads the following:

"Andranik Margarian was a political motive power in Armenia for
dozens of years. He was respected in the whole world as a real
leader of reforms and progressive government. As Co-Chairmen of the
U.S. Congress Armenian Causus, it was a great pleasure for us to work
with Prime Minister Margarian, so his absence will be painful for us."

EU Special Representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby presented
his deep condolences to RA Prime Minister Andranik Margarian’s family,
relatives, the RA Government and whole Armenian people. It is said
in the telegram addressed by him: "I got to know about Prime Minister
Andranik Margarian’s death with great pain. I had many opportunities
to meet with him. He was a bright individuality, real devoted person
for establishment of democracy and peace in the region. He had a
pivotal role in the affair of establishment of strong and long-lasting
relations between Armenia and the European Union."

It is particularly said in RA World Bank Office former head Roger
Robinson’s telegram: "I am deeply shocked and present my condolences to
Prime Minister Andranik Margarian’s family. Today in the morning I got
from press the grievous news of his premature death, and at the moment
I am with the Government of Armenia and the Armenian people in my
soul and mind. His death is a great loss for Your country. During his
officiating he had a great contribution in the affair of development
of Armenia, and I am sure that Mr. Margarian’s memory and heritage
will make a vital part of the history of Your country."

On the occasion of RA Prime Minister Andranik Margarian’s
death telegrams of condolence were also sent by Prime Minister
of Finland Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of
Belgium Guy Verhovstadt, Chairman of the Executive Council of the
People-Democratic Republic of Korea Pak Bong Ju, Chairman of the
Supreme Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea A. Gritsenko and
Prime Minister V. Plakida, Prime Minister of South Osia Yuri Morozov,
Council Secretary of the CIS Interparliamentary Commission M. Krotov,
Chairman of the Committee on Fighters-Internationalists Issues attached
to the CIS Governments Heads Council Ruslan Aushev, Board Chairman
of the "Rusal" compamy Alexander Livshits, Board Chairman of the RAO
UES of Russia company Anatoly Chubais.

It is particularly said in the telegram addressed by Saint-Petersburg
Governor Valentina Matvienko: "A real citizen of his country, Prime
Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Chairman of the Republican
Party of Armenia passed away. Being a prominent politician, he did
much for implementation of democratic reforms, strengthening of the
statehood of Armenia. Andranik Margarian had a great contribution
in strengthening and development of the friendly relations between
Armenia and Saint-Petersburg. Andranik Margarian’s death is a great
loss for Armenia. I am deeply mournful with all those people who knew
and loved him. His memory will always remain bright in our hearts."

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the RF to Ukraine
Viktor Chernomyrdin mentioned in his telegram: "A wonderful person,
talented organizer, real leader passed away. It is a realy irreparable
loss. I bow my head with respect on this mournful day to Andranik
Nahapetovich’s light memory."

As Noyan Tapan was informed by the RA Government’s Information
and Public Relations Department, telegrams of condolence were
also got on behalf of the Governors of the RF regions of Rostov,
Sverdlovsk, Astrakhan, Ulyanovsk, Minsk city "Hayastan" (Armenia)
cultural-educational company, Beirut Haigazian University, Armenian
communities of Kharkov, Zhitomir, Abkhazia, the Armenian Union of
Romania, Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema and other
local and international institutions, organizations, individuals.