BAKU: OSCE Special Envoy Expresses Hope for Continued Progress in NK

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
March 31 2007

OSCE Chairman’s Special Envoy Expresses Hope for Continued Progress
in Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Talks

Josep Borrell, Special Envoy of the OSCE Chairman, Spanish Foreign
Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, expressed hope on 30 March that the
parties in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict would sustain the momentum
reached so far in negotiations supported by the OSCE Minsk Group

"The OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs have contributed to reducing tensions
and bringing the positions of the parties to the conflict closer,"
Borell said after a meeting with the Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk
Group, Ambassador Bernard Fassier of France, Ambassador Yuri
Merzlyakov of the Russian Federation and, representing Deputy
Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza of the United States,
Elizabeth Rood, Director of the Office of Caucasus Affairs and
Regional Conflicts at the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs.

Borrell said he hoped that the parties would sustain the momentum
reached so far in the negotiations.

"I call on the parties involved to ensure that the situation along
the Line of Contact and the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan
continues to be calm and stable, as cease-fire violations can lead to
regretful loss of life," Borell added.