ANC San Diego Welcomes Rep Hunter Agreement to Cosponsor H.Res.106

Armenian National Committee of San Diego County
San Diego, CA
E-mail: [email protected]
April 5, 2007

Contact: Garo Artinian
E-mail: [email protected]

*ANC of San Diego County Welcomes Congressman Hunter’s Agreement to
Cosponsor H.Res.106*

*EL CAJON, CA* – After learning of Congressman Brian Bilbray’s (R-CA-50)
cosponsorship of H. Res. 106 on March 14, 2007, the Armenian National
Committee of San Diego County (ANC of SDC) expressed its appreciation to
Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA-52) whose office confirmed that the
Congressman has agreed to cosponsor H.Res.106, the Armenian Genocide
resolution. Rep. Hunter, a 14-term Congressman and Vietnam veteran, is the
Ranking Member of the US House Armed Services Committee. He has also
declared his candidacy for the 2008 Presidential Elections.

On Wednesday, March 21, 2007 the ANC of SDC met with Hunter’s legislative
aide, Holly Hough in Rep. Hunter’s El Cajon District Office. The meeting
was led by ANC of San Diego County Chairman Garo Artinian and included
fellow San Diego County ANC advocates and Hunter constituents Boghos and
Lena Yerevanian of the San Diego Homenetmen, as well as Ani Lanuza of the
San Diego chapter of the Armenian General Benevolent Union and Serop
Karoghlanian. The group was joined by Saint John Garabed Pastor Datev
Tatoulian, Parish Council Chairman Gary Takessian (AAA), World War II
veteran George Katchigian and San Diego County ANC Board Member Edik

The ANC of SDC organized the meeting to provide an opportunity for the
community to build its relationship with Rep. Hunter’s office and discuss
current issues of concern to them. Rep. Hunter enjoys one of the largest
concentrations of San Diego County Armenians in his district which extends
east across the county and up to its northeast corner.

Artinian opened the meeting by introducing Hough to the meeting participants
and briefly discussing the San Diego Armenian community. He noted that the
community had a long-standing relationship with the Congressman and
appreciated his past support of issues of concern to them, including
previous Armenian Genocide resolutions.

Hough was familiar with the resolution and was interested in learning more
about the history of the genocide. Artinian referred her to Peter
Balakian’s book, "The Burning Tigris", and pointed out that the first
international humanitarian aid effort by the United States was in response
to the Armenian Genocide. Artinian noted that several US diplomats
courageously reported the details of the genocide as it occurred. He also
mentioned Congressman Howard Berman’s recent "dear colleague" letter drawing
attention to a statement by the International Association of Genocide
Scholars in which the association affirmed the Armenian Genocide.

As pastor of the local community for many years, Father Tatoulian noted that
the Armenian Genocide remains important to subsequent generations of
Armenian Americans who are disappointed with US officials who compromise
history and justice by remaining silent about the Armenian Genocide. Artinian
emphasized that the community expects the United States to be a leader by
acknowledging its American history as it relates to the Armenian Genocide
and, in doing so, encouraging Turkey to dispel the official policy of denial
that clouds its history.

Lanuza noted the community’s concern regarding the recent assassination of
Hrant Dink. Dink, the editor of the weekly Armenian newspaper AGOS, was
killed outside his offices in Istanbul earlier this year. Dink recently
faced prosecution under the infamous "Article 301" of the Turkish criminal
code for "insulting Turkishness", a blanket law used to silence freedom of
expression and dissent in Turkey. The law has been repeatedly used by
Turkish prosecutors to charge individuals who diverge from the Turkish
government’s policy of Armenian Genocide denial.

Members of the group also expressed concern about repeated threats issued by
Turkey against the United States and its armed forces in response to

"Thousands of Armenian Americans proudly served and continue to serve this
country," noted Artinian. "It is disturbing that Turkey, a supposed ally,
continues to bully and threaten the United States and the fundamental values
on which it was founded in order to prevent even the discussion of a
resolution that honors the victims of, and the American response to, the
Armenian Genocide."

In the days following the ANC of SDC meeting with Hough in El Cajon, CA,
Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) Executive
Director Andrew Kzirian visited Rep. Hunter’s office in Washington, D.C. to
deliver constituent letters to the Congressman. In the past several months,
the ANC of SDC has also organized local district office meetings with
Representatives Bilbray, Davis, and Filner who are joined by Representative
Issa as co-sponsors of H.Res.106. These activities, in conjunction with both
1) the ANCA’s "End the Cycle of Genocide" advocacy campaign which was
organized in collaboration with the Genocide Intervention Network and 2) the
ANCA-WR’s POWER Initiative have helped to advance Armenian American concerns
in relation to the Armenian Genocide Resolution.

"The ANC of San Diego County was delighted to bring together a broad
cross-section of the local Armenian community for meetings this past month
with Congressmen Bilbray and Hunter," said Artinian. "Their support of
H.Res.106 is a testament to the strength of our local ANC advocates’
grassroots efforts as well as that of our affiliates in our regional and
national offices."

The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most
influential Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in
coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout
the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad
range of issues.


PHOTO #1 CAPTION: Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA-52).

PHOTO #2 CAPTION: (from left to right) Boghos and Lena Yerevanian, Ani
Lanuza, Edik Esmailian, Hunter legislative aide Holly Hough, Father Datev
Tatoulian, George Katchigian, Garo Artinian, Serop Karoghlanian, and Gary