Time To Shift From Complimentary To Balance Policy

By Ruzan Pogosian

AZG Armenian Daily

The policy of the Armenian authorities, which is accepted as a
policy of complimentarism, is reaching the point where it cannot
be applied any longer. New processes in the world policy bring
forth new geopolitical circumstances as split of South Caucasus
and American-Iranian difficulties, which are forcing to revise
the complimentary policy of Armenia. Ruben Safrastian, head of
the Oriental Studies Institute of the Armenian National Science
Academy, during a discussion at the "Pastark" politics club said that
the new policy of Armenia must be based upon balance rather than
complimetarism. He is sure that such shift in foreign policy will
strengthen the positions of Armenia in the relations with both its
allies and rivals. Mr. Safrastian considers that proceeding with the
policy of complimentary will sooner or later result in sheer isolation
of Armenia and difficulties with its partners.

Safrastian noted that Azerbaijan will benefit from the possible war
against Iran and that Armenia must be ready for rapid actions. The
policy of the United States diminished the influence of Iran, which
provided balance of forces in South Caucasus, and strengthened the
positions of Turkey. Nevertheless he assured that the actions of the
USA will never be aimed against Armenia directly. He also said that
it is inconsistent to draw parallels between Iraq and Iran, as Europe
and Russia are not inclined to perceiving Iran as a nest of Islamism
as it was the case of Iraq. Safrastian assured that military actions
against Iran in any case wont’ be started earlier than May 2007.

To the opinion of Ruben Safrastian the run for world recognition of
the Armenian Genocide must be continued by all means. Giving it up
would mean offending the national dignity of the Armenian people,
threatening the influence of the Armenian lobbies worldwide and the
integrity of Armenia and Diaspora. He stated that the recognition of
the Genocide is not only a national interest of Armenia, but is also
associated with the modern global processes.