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Meetings Of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Observation Mission In Armen


National Assembly of RA, Armenia
April 11 2007

On April 11 the members of the delegation headed by Mrs. Tone
Tingsgaard, Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Head
of the OSCE PA Observation Mission of parliamentary elections in
Armenia will arrive in Yerevan.

On April 12 the members of the delegation in the National Assembly
jointly with the PACE Ad-hoc Committee members for the observation of
the parliamentary elections in Armenia will have meetings with the
representatives of RPA, ARF, ULP, Justice, Country of Law, National
Unity factions and People’s Deputy and Entrepreneur deputy groups.

The meetings of the delegation are scheduled on the same day with
the representatives of Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia)
and Zharangutiun (Heritage) parties and Aylntrank (Alternative)
political movement.

On April 13 the members of the delegation headed by Mrs. Tone
Tingsgaard, Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Head
of the OSCE PA Observation Mission of the parliamentary elections in
Armenia will meet with the representatives of the main group of ODIHR,
NDI, IFES, USAID IREX, Counterpart Consortium organizations.Mr. Robert
Kocharyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Tigran Torosyan,
President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia,
Mr. Garegin Azaryan, Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission
(CEC) will receive the delegation on the same day.

On April 14 the delegation will leave Yerevan.

Nargizian David:
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