Categories: News

Newly Constructed Building Of Shengavit Community’s Court Of First I

Author: Mashurian Sona Editor: Eghian Robert

Noyan Tapan
Apr 13 2007

YEREVAN, APRIL 13, NOYAN TAPAN. The new building of the court of
first instance of Yerevan’s Shengavit community was delivered for
operation on April 12.

According to the RA Minister of Justice David Harutyunian, the
putting of this building into operation completed the first stage of
construction or reconstruction of the buildings of 14 courts under
the credit program on court and legal reforms.

The building’s main entrance, which is meant for court visitors,
also has a ramp for wheelchairs of disabled persons with
movement problems. The building is provided with all the necessary
communications: a new power substation, a autonomous boiler-house, gas
supply and water supply systems, as well as sewerage pipes. There is
an air circulation system in the court building. The air circulation
in halls is done by a channel method, which ensures re-circulation
and outflow of the air.

Air circulation of accused persons’ cells is done by the split
system. All offices have air conditioners on their windows.

The court building is designed for 7 judges and has 6 furnished
courtrooms, one of which – the courtroom for holding sittings on
civil cases has additional equipment to ensure safety of judges and
court case participants. The public section and the sitting section
of this courtroom are separated from each other by a staned-glass
window to ensure acoustic insulation. Direct audio reports about
sittings are transmitted by loudspeakers to the public section of
the courtroom. According to the justice minister, other courts may
make use of this courtroom in case of necessity.

The cost of the court building’s construction made 410, 854.2 thousand
drams. Financing was done with World Bank credit resources (90%)
and funds of the RA state budget (10%).

Karabekian Emil:
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