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Election is serious exam for Armenia


Election is serious exam for Armenia
13.04.2007 18:57 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `In the course of three days the PACE observation
mission met with all political parties and blocs, Constitutional Court
members, representatives of NGOs and media as well as with President
Robert Kocharian and Acting Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian,’ Leo
Platvoet, head of the PACE observation mission, told a news conference
in Yerevan today. The election will be a serious examination for
Armenia on the way towards integration into European structures. `We
are hopeful the parliamentary election will be free and democratic and
meet international standards. The responsibility lies not only on the
Armenian leadership but also on the public. Those interested in
democracy development should hold the election in accord with
international standards. Unfortunately, the public’s interest towards
the election has not been shaped yet; political programs of the
parties do not differ much from one another,’ Mr Platvoet said adding
that indifference and non-participation in elections hamper
development of democracy.

The Dutch parliamentarian reminded that the previous parliamentary
election was marred and voiced assurance that the reviewed Electoral
Code will help to hold the forthcoming election in a proper way,
especially since conduction of fair elections is one of the
commitments Armenia has undertaken to the Council of Europe.

Nalchajian Markos:
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