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UNSC mission departs for Kosovo `to adopt solution on Ahtisaari plan


UN Security Council’s mission departed for Kosovo `to
adopt a solution on `Ahtisaari’s plan’
14.04.2007 15:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The UN Security Council approved Russia’s initiative
on sending a mission to Kosovo and Belgrade before continuing
consultations around Kosovo future status. Brussels will become the
first destination of Security Council’s representatives, where the
ambassadors will be hosted by NATO supreme leadership. The mission
will allow the UN Security Council to one more time make clear the
real situation in the region for adoption of an objective solution on
`Ahtisaari’s plan’.

In his part Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Vitali Churkin said it is necessary to one more time make clear the
real situation in the region, in order to find a compromise between
Serbs and Albanians.

`By sending the mission we do not mean to express our distrust to
Ahtisaari, who is an old friend of Russian diplomacy. But it is
necessary to fill in the many empty cells of this crossword. Probably
the issue of Kosovo status is the most complicated one for the UN
Security Council during the last decade,’ the Russian diplomat
underlined, RIA `Novosti’ reports.

UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy Marti Ahtisaari worked out a plan
for the Kosovo problem settlement. The document was introduced to the
Security Council March 27. The same day Russia’s Permanent
Representative to the UN informed Russia has offered the Security
Council to form an international group of observers and send them to
Belgrade and Pristina, in order to carry out an all-sided analyze on
the spot how Resolution 1244 adopted in 1999 is being fulfilled.

Karabekian Emil:
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