Colorado Congressional Delegation Unanimously Supports The Armenian

19.04.2007 10:18

The entire Colorado congressional delegation unanimously supports the
House and Senate Armenian Genocide Resolutions, reports the Armenian
Assembly of America.

Congressman Mark Udall (D) was the first member of the Colorado
congressional delegation to cosponsor this bipartisan resolution,
followed by Representatives Marilyn Musgrave (R), Diana DeGette
(D), Doug Lamborn (R), Ed Perlmutter (D) and John Salazar (D). Also,
Thomas Tancredo (R), pledged to the Assembly that he will sign on as a
cosponsor of H. Res. 106. In addition, Senators Wayne Allard (R) and
Ken Salazar (D) are supporters of the Armenian Genocide Resolution,
S. Res. 106.

The Assembly’s Colorado ARAMAC (Armenian American Action Committee)
State Chair Pamela Barsam Brown has been working closely with the
offices of the state’s lawmakers.

"Colorado’s Senators and Representatives have been wonderful in
their tremendous support of reaffirmation of the U.S. record of the
Armenian Genocide," said Barsam Brown. "We hope other states will
follow Colorado’s example."

In addition to congressional support, the Armenian Genocide has
also been acknowledged at the state and municipal governmental
levels. Governor Bill Ritter of Colorado and Mayor John Hickenlooper
of Denver have both issued proclamations on the Armenian Genocide.

The Colorado State legislature has also issued a joint resolution
sponsored by State Senators Stephanie Takis and Lois Tochtrop and State
Representative Michael Garcia, stating that "Remembrance of April 24,
2007 and every April 24th hereafter as Colorado Day of Remembrance
of the Armenian Genocide."

"We greatly appreciate the active support of the entire Colorado
delegation in affirming the incontestable fact of the Armenian
Genocide," said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "We applaud
the activism and dedication of Pamela Barsam Brown and the Colorado
Armenian community for this achievement."