Heritage Campaign Heads For Vayots Dzor And Siunik


[07:08 pm] 18 April, 2007

Heritage Party candidates, party faithful, and volunteers took the
campaign bus "Toward Victory" on a two-day journey to the Vayots Dzor
and Siunik marzes and surrounding cities and villages.

During their first stop at Zangakatun, they placed flowers at the
Paruir Sevak memorial and visited the great poet’s home-museum.

The campaign journey contunied at Yegheknadzor, where Raffi
K. Hovannisian and party representatives received a warm reception
by local residents.

Successful public meetings were held also in Malishka, Vayk, Jermuk,
and Sisian. At Vayk, it is worth mentioning, the meeting was held at
an auditorium provided by the town hall.

Regrettably, however, the journey also had its share of unfortunate
incidents. At Areni, the village elder confronted Heritage
representatives, saying that no one could hold any election campaign
in his village without a 5-day notice. Raffi Hovannisian, however,
corrected the village elder. "Areni is no one’s private property. It
first belongs to all the villagers, and then to the entire people of
Armenia," he said.