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Six Armenian Insurance Companies Already Operate By Tariffs Calculat


Noyan Tapan
Apr 19 2007

YEREVAN, APRIL 19, NOYAN TAPAN. The Actuarial Analysis Office of Nork
CJSC calculated insurance tariffs for 6 Armenian insurance companies,
made analyses for introduction of the compulsory medical insurance
system and reforms of the pension system in Armenia, as well as made
analysis of various informational bases of the RA Ministry of Labor
and Social Security. The office head Hrachia Petrosian informed NT
corresondent about it.

According to him, very often the prices of insurance policies of
the same risks related to services of various insurance companies
are quite different due to the fact that insurance companies provide
their services by tariffs not substantiated by an actuarial analysis.

H. Petrosian said that in addition to the insurance sector, the
system of social security also needs forecasts based on analysis. In
general, actuarial analyses may be related to time forecasts on
changes to occur in commodity markets under the influence of one or
another factor. "However, such forecasts are made difficult by the
circumstance that the overwhelming majority of natural and juridical
persons do not have a financial history," he noted.

In the words of H. Petrosian, there is also the problem of ensuring
secrecy of the initial financial data, which has to do with ethics
of a statistician, regardless of the fact which sector of statistics
he/she works in – official, administrative or private. The expert of
Nork company said that the code of employees of national and community
statistical services is already in effect in the European Union. In
accordance with this document, at the stages of data collection,
processing and summarizing, the statistician must be guided by such
principles and use such methodology that will allow to receive
objective final statistical data and will not be in favor of or
against some interested party. "Personal" initial statistical data
may be transferred to a third person only in case of consent of the
person who provides this data.

Badalian Vardan:
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