Categories: News

Remmeber The Spiritual Factor

by Oleg Gorupai

Source: Krasnaya Zvezda, April 19, 2007, p. 3
Agency WPS
April 23, 2007 Monday

Meeting Of The Committee Of Personnel Departments Of Defense Ministries
Of The Cis Countries Was Held In Moscow;

A new meeting of the committee of personnel departments of defense
ministries of the CIS countries was held in Moscow in the secretariat
of the council of defense ministers of the CIS member states,
which was under the supervision of Colonel General Nikolai Reznik,
director of the main ideological department of the Russian Armed
Forces. Among participants of the meeting were representatives of
the defense ministries of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, the Ukraine and representatives of
the secretariat of the council of defense ministers of the CIS member
states and main ideological department of the Russian Armed Forces.

A new meeting of the committee of personnel departments of defense
ministries of the CIS countries was held in Moscow in the secretariat
of the council of defense ministers of the CIS member states,
which was under the supervision of Colonel General Nikolai Reznik,
director of the main ideological department of the Russian Armed
Forces. Among participants of the meeting were representatives of
the defense ministries of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, the Ukraine and representatives of
the secretariat of the council of defense ministers of the CIS member
states and main ideological department of the Russian Armed Forces.

Officers of the main ideological department of the Russian Armed
Forces readily summarized reports to the audience dedicated to the
experience of social legal work and social guarantees of servicemen
and members of their families accumulated in the Russian army, as
well as experience accumulated in the interaction of army structures
with religious organizations.

For example, 83-83% of servicemen in the Russian army identify
themselves as Orthodox Christians, while only 6% consider themselves
to be Muslims and 1% consider themselves Jews. In the Armenian
armed forces, almost 98% of personnel are followers of the Armenian
apostolic church. The organization of interaction with the church
became a subject of discussion at the meeting of the committee.

Having listened to opinions of representatives of the parties,
participants of the meeting approved the plan of the committee’s
work for 2007, analyzed the course of implementation of the model
concept of social aid and rehabilitation of servicemen and members
of their families in CIS member states. Participants of the meeting
also discussed the model concept for interaction of the military
command bodies of the armed forces of the CIS countries with religious
organizations in the interests of spiritual and ideological upbringing
of servicemen and members of their families.

Karakhanian Suren:
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