Turkey’s Responsibility Should Be Focused


23.04.2007 16:11

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – Kiro Manoyan, the director of the ARF Bureau’s
Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office, presents the international
situation on the Armenian Genocide on the eve of April 24.

Among the recent developments, Kiro Manoyan mentioned the letter to
the Armenian and Turkish people signed by 50 Nobel Prize winners,
which, according to him, is more against the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide.

The letter urged both people to pressure their governments to
establish relations. Manoyan said that the letter had shortcomings,
one of which is that Armenian and Turkey are equally held responsible
for not having relations.

Another shortcoming is that the letter speaks of the Armenian elections
making an impression that Turkey is more democratic.

This is not only incorrect but it has nothing to do with the Armenian
Genocide. The only positive thing is that the authors of the letter
call on Turkey to review its own history and recognize that the events
constitute genocide.

Besides, the American media continues to cover the Genocide and the
resolutions in the Congress.

When asked what would be the next step if the US recognizes the
Armenian Genocide, Manoyan said that the US has already recognized
the Genocide in 1973, 1984 and 1992.

The resolution that is in circulation since 2000, urges to reaffirm the
recognition by the US and call on the president so that he would call
the events of 1915 genocide in his annual speeches. So the resolution
is not for recognition but for reaffirmation.