BAKU: Representatives Of US Turkish Speaking Communities Held Protes


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
April 25 2007

Turks living in USA will fight against Armenian propaganda within new
organization – Association of American Turks, fighting against Armenian
lie. On the eve of anniversary of false "genocide of Armenians",
Association held mass protest actions in Washington and New York.

April 21, representatives of Turkish communities of USA gathered
on the Times Square in the center of Manhattan, and April 22 – on
Farragut square in Washington near White House, to protest Congress’s
interference in Turkish-Armenian issue. Compatriots who arrived on
bus from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut joined Turks living
in capital of USA. With demand "To end Armenian lie!" they called to
entrust historians not politicians with disclosure historical truth.

Leaders of Azerbaijani communities were among participants of the
action. President of Azerbaijani Community of America, Tomris Azeri,
while making speech during the action, said that international
community is bothered by false rhetoric of Armenians.

Every day one more member of Congress refuses to support pro-Armenian
resolution after hearing Turks’ testimonies. With these attempts
Armenians try to hide crimes they committed. Over 200 years Armenians
have been attempting to create "great Armenia", attempting to remove
Azerbaijanis from their native lands. The fact that Azerbaijani
territories are occupied, and that over 1 mln. Azerbaijanis turned
to be refugees and internally displaced can’t be denied. President
of Azerbaijani Community of America said that Turkish speaking
communities should cooperate in order to demonstrate real intentions
of Armenians, to spread the truth about Khojali genocide; they should
inform Americans and international community.

President of Association of Turkish Communities of America, Nurtan
Ural, called resolution on "genocide of Armenians" being presently
high on the agenda of the House of Representatives and Senate, as
one-sided document, distorting events that took place during World War
I. He said that the given issue should be solved by joined researches
of Turkish and Armenian historians. Armenia does not accept proposal
of Turkish government on opening of archives and start of Academic
dialog. Such steps of Congress may hold away Armenia from dialog.
