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Turkey ‘Warned’ Canada, US Against Using Term ‘Genocide’


Assyrian International News Agency

April 26 2007

Turkey warned Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper last week not
to issue an April 24 declaration where the incidents of 1915 are
defined as genocide. The Canadian Parliament recognized the Armenian
Genocide and Harper became one of the few heads of state to use the
word "genocide" in his written statement during 2006.

Wary of these genocide claims spreading to other countries including
the United States, Turkey is trying hard to block efforts by the
Armenian Diaspora in almost every country in the world.

Canadian Prime Minister Harper was warned through diplomatic channels
last week that "repeating these claims annually will not help in
normalizing Turkey-Armenia relations and will harm Turkish-Canadian
bilateral relations as well." "We hope that the Canadian PM will not
repeat this year what he did last year," a high-level Foreign Ministry
official said, the Turkish Daily News reports.

Ankara made the same diplomatic attempt with the United States before
April 24 where President George W. Bush also issues a declaration.

Turkish officials said Ankara is not expecting Bush to use the word
genocide. U.S. presidents prefer to define the incidents in 1915 as
a massacre.

Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper made a statement in connection
with the 92nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. "Today we recall
the horrible losses of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire, particularly
the terrible tragedy of the Armenian nation. Last year I reminded,
the both chambers of Canadian Parliament adopted a resolution that
recognizes the first genocide of the 20th century. This day makes us
remember why we should do everything possible to guarantee rule of
human rights and democratic freedoms in our times. Today Canadians
with Armenian and Turkish descent live side by side and share values
of tolerance. We hope Armenia and Turkey will guide themselves with
those values in order to develop their relations. Together with you
we recall the past and share your hopes for building the future based
on peace and mutual respect," said Steven Harper in his statement.

George W. Bush failed to define the events of 1915 as genocide in
his annual April 24 statement.

Varosian Antranik:
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