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ANKARA: Civil Leader Calls For European Turks To Get Involved

Caðrý Cobanoðlu Ýstanbul

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
April 26 2007

Ali Gedikoðlu, chairman of the Strasbourg-based NGO COJEP
International, said Turks living in Europe should break out of their
shells and become a part of not only local but also international
civil organizations.

He said negative judgments against Turkey cannot be prevented otherwise
and pointed out that demonstrations organized by Turkey’s Labor Party
(IP) leader Doðu Perincek — who was tried in Switzerland for denying
the so-called Armenian genocide — in several European cities have
not borne any positive results. Gedikoðlu also added that such actions
create antipathy in Europe.

He spoke to Today’s Zaman about Turks and lobbying activities in
Europe. Gedikoðlu said Turks in Europe should embrace the country
they live in order to form a powerful lobby. "The Armenians have much
influence over France since they embrace it. We are equal in terms
of population but they are more effective than the Turkish community
in France."

Gedikoðlu noted that the Turks in Europe should exist as an independent
community, not as the extension of the political parties in Turkey.

Stating that European public opinion can be influenced by means of
civil organizations, Gedikoðlu said they had encouraged several people
within COJEP to become members of global human rights organizations
and added that the relevant institutions will be properly informed
on Turkey. Gedikoðlu pointed out COJEP is a member of the UN. "It is
impossible that we voice our rightful demands without having a strong
place among international institutions as an NGO," he said.


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