Commemorative Events On Armenian Genocide Anniversary Held In Britis


26.04.2007 13:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On the 92nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
Parliamentarians, Armenians and supporters gathered for a commemorative
service for the first time in the Houses of Parliament Church (St
Mary’s-under-Croft) and also for a major international conference
in the Grand Committee room of the House of Commons. The events
were organized by Armenia Solidarity, the British-Armenian All-Party
Parliamentary Group and Nor Serount (New Generation) Publications. The
Church service was under the care of the Rev Frank Gelli, who called
for the government to be more proactive in the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide. A wreath-laying ceremony took place at the Monument
to the Innocents, Westminster Abbey.

Participants of the international conference, which was chaired by
distinguished British parliamentarian Lord Avebury also discussed the
tactics of Armenian Genocide denial used by denialist historians and
the British Government. They also drew parallels between Holocaust and
the Armenian Genocide, as well as the cultural genocide in the Eastern
Anatolia, PanARMENIAN.Net was told in "Nor Serount". Besides powerful
messages of a number of organizations were read at the conference.

The results of the conference, together with statements received from
Genocide experts will be presented to the government in the course of
the next few weeks by Lord Avebury and Baroness Cox. The government
will also be invited to contact other well-known Genocide experts
directly, say Prof Jurgen Zimmerer of Sheffield University and Dr
Cathie Carmichael, of the University of East Anglia.