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US Department Of State – Time To Determine

By A. Haroutiunian

AZG Armenian Daily

It is the second time that the US Department of State makes alterations
referring Armenia to the 2006 Human Rights Report. It seems like the
USA is not sure about its own position and under various circumstances
doubts between Armenia’s demand to correct the mistake and the
provocations of Azerbaijan.

Thus, the old drafting "Armenia continues to occupy the Azerbaijani
territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding Azerbaijani
territories" was marvelously restored.

In the meanwhile, OSCE Minsk Group American Co-Chairman Matthew
Bryza stated that the US Department of State had admitted the
inconsistency of the "Armenia continues to occupy the Azerbaijani
territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding Azerbaijani
territories" phrase and altered it to the following: "Armenian
armed forces hold considerable territories of Azerbaijan adjacent
to Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian officials state that Armenia ‘has not
occupied’ Nagorno-Karabakh".

Bryza also expressed his disappointment about Azerbaijan’s refusal
to take part in the consultations in Washington. He noted that
although alterations to US Department of State reports occur rather
seldom, the peculiarity of the present stage of negotiations on
Nagorno-Karabakh. it is to be regretted that our negligence caused
anxiety of our Azerbaijani friends, he said.

Eventually it seems like Mr. Bryza could not even imagine how swiftly
alterations are made to the reports of US Department of State.

In response, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov
hurried to express his satisfaction and state that the date of the
visit of the Azerbaijan’s delegation to Washington can be already
appointed. Moreover, (probably desiring to conceal sheer idleness)
he also declared that very soon Kelbajar and Lacin will be cleaned
from Armenian troops – "in accord with the schedule worked out by
the Armenian side".

In such circumstances Armenia has a word to say. Why can’t Armenia
suspend the negotiation process, if Azerbaijan is achieving its goals
to due blackmail and provocations and if the USA, Co-Chairing state of
the OSCE Minsk Group, is unable to make clear its position? It comes
out that the USA prefer to maintain god relations with azerbaijan
rather than advocating the truth.

The US Department of State has to determine its position on the
Karabakh conflict. Otherwise the USA cannot be considered an impartial
mediator in the process of settlement of the conflict. In that case
Armenia must refuse the mediation of the United States.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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