CR: Rep. Costello Recognizes Genocide

[Congressional Record: April 24, 2007 (Extensions)]
[Page E849]
From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []



speech of


of illinois

in the house of representatives

Monday, April 23, 2007

Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the victims
of the Armenian Genocide.
Today marks the anniversary of the deliberate campaign of genocide
perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire in 1915. On April 24th, the Ottoman
government arrested an estimated 250 Armenian religious, political, and
intellectual leaders, which were taken to the interior of Turkey and
murdered. From 1915-1923, 1.5 million Armenians were killed and more
than 500,000 were forced from their homeland into exile.
In spite of overwhelming evidence, particularly American diplomatic
records from the time, some continue to deny the occurrence of this
brutal tragedy in human history. As a member of Congress, I represent a
significant population of Armenian survivors who have proudly preserved
their culture, traditions, and religion and have told the horrors of
the genocide to an often indifferent world.
We must continue to ensure future generations know and understand the
history of the Armenian Genocide in order to learn from the mistakes of
the past and prevent future atrocities. For that reason, I have again
cosponsored a resolution, H. Res. 106, that calls upon the president to
make recognition of the Armenian Genocide an official position of
United States foreign policy.
Mr. Speaker, it is time to fully recognize the Armenian Genocide in
order to right the historical record. By doing so we pay tribute to the
memory of all the individuals who suffered, their family members that
remain, and vow to never forget their sacrifices.
