Categories: News

Nork Children’s Home Has New Roof


[12:21 pm] 02 May, 2007

Yerevan, May 2, 2007 – The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund completed
the reconstruction of the roof of the Yerevan Children’s Home. The
renovation of the 1191 sq. m roof was sponsored by the Hayastan
All-Armenian Fund Australia affiliate with a 13 million AMD donation.

The roof was last renovated in 1984; the sheds were fairly
damaged. Today, both buildings of the Yerevan Children’s Home have
fire resistant roofs and new shades.

In January 2006, the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund installed central
gas heating in the Children’s Home.

The project was sponsored by the Hayastan Fund US East Coast affiliate,
on funds donated by Hagop Giritlian.

The principal of institute, Lena Karapetyan says, "There are 41
newborns and 35 children under the age of 5 living at the Children’s
Home. Not doubt, heated rooms are essential for them. So far, we
depended on electric heaters, which was costly and inefficient.

Now the whole building is well heated. The renovation of the roof
was another priority for us to deal with".

Thanks to this initiative the Yerevan Children’s Home is now a warmer
place for children to live in.

Karabekian Emil:
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