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Political Correctness Reigns At The United Nations

By John F. McManus

John Birch Society, WI
May 2 2007

A United Nations exhibit addressing the crime of genocide upset
the government of Turkey when it included the mass killings of more
than a million Armenians in Turkey after World War I. So the exhibit
was revised by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to the satisfaction of
Turkish officials.

Follow this link to the source article: "Revised Genocide Exhibit

COMMENTARY: Spurred on by the memory of the slaughter of close to
a million Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994, the UN constructed an exhibit
designed to call attention to genocide by calling attention to various
incidents when it was carried out. One example featured a reminder
of the death of 1.5 million ethnic Armenians "following World War I
… in Turkey."

Turkey’s officials, who have never admitted guilt in the crime,
objected and the exhibit was closed down several weeks ago. It has just
reopened, however, and the commentary about the crime involving the
Armenians is remarkably different. The revision, approved by Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon, accepted the Turkish view that the victims of the
mass killings were casualties of the war and now refers merely to "the
mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire during World War I."

So, Turkey isn’t guilty because it was the work of the
no-longer-existing Ottoman Empire. And the killings occurred not after
the war in a deliberate plan to exterminate a portion of the nation,
but while the conflict was raging.

Rewriting history has always been expected of history’s scoundrels.

That the United Nations would do so will likely surprise those
who still harbor good feelings toward the world body. But those who
maintain that our nation should completely withdraw from the UN for a
host of sound reasons now have one more to share with fellow Americans
about the wisdom contained in the slogan: "Get US out!"

Vasilian Manouk:
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