Speaker Of Parliament Rules Out Possibility Of "Color Revolutions" I


Regnum, Russia
May 2 2007

Withdrawal of the former ruling party the Armenian National Movement
from the election race is a demonstration of the party’s realistic
approach to the current situation, Speaker of the Armenian Parliament,
Member of the Republican Party Tigran Torosyan said at a news
conference today.

As a REGNUM correspondent reports, commenting on the question on how
the withdrawal would influence the situation taking into account that
the movement remains one of few parties having clear-cut ideology,
the speaker said each party has its ideology and so the Armenian
National Movement must not be treated as an exception. He stressed
that experience of the past years has shown that boycotting proves
no positive results.

Answering a question that many parties, including the Armenian
National Movement, predict riots after the elections, right up to
a revolution, in case of election fraud, Torosyan noted that such
developments are always a result of the elections, "so let nobody
pretend to be a clairvoyant, if it happens this time." As for "velvet
revolutions," the speaker excluded such a possibility. He noted that
Armenian public is more responsible regarding this issue, especially
taking into account experience of countries that came through "color
revolutions," where the life has not changed but problems increased.