Tigran Torosyan Believes The Upcoming Elections Will Be Successful F


02.05.2007 17:31

Speaker of the Armenian National Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the
Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Tigran Torosian stated in Yerevan
today that the pre-election rally goes on "without reciprocal offences"
and "differs from other campaigns by its calmness."

Referring to the results of public opinion polls, Tigran Torosyan
refuted the statements of the European observers on the passivity of
the Armenian electors.

"If 28-30% voter turnout is considered good in the countries of the
European Union, here we expect 55-60% of voters to come to the polling
stations on May 12," Tigran Torosian stated.

The Speaker expressed confidence that the coming elections will
be successful for the Republican Party and it will increase its
representation in the parliament. He did not rule out the possibility
of forming a new political coalition, noting that the RPA is ready
for cooperation with all the political forces, which will enter
the parliament.

The special meeting of the Republican Party will take place "in
some time after the parliamentary elections," Tigran Torosyan
informed. According to him, during the meeting, the new leader of
the party will be elected and the further steps of the RPA will
be discussed.

The Speaker did not rule out the possibility that the RPA will nominate
Serge Sargsyan to run for President in 2008. He noted that the upcoming
parliamentary elections cannot be considered a "jumping-off place"
for Serge Sargsyan before the presidential elections. Tigran Torosyan
reminded that the main part of the constitutional amendments will
come into force after the parliamentary elections and the parliament
will gain more authorities.