Gul Candidacy to be offered in second stage of presidential elecs


On second stage of presidential elections Turkish
ruling party will again offer Gul’s candidacy
05.05.2007 14:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On the second stage of the presidential elections in
Turkey scheduled for May 6, the ruling Justice and Development party
will again offer Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul’s candidacy, Turkish
lawmaker from the ruling party Atilla Basoglu stated. He reminded,
according to the Organic Law of the Turkish Republic during elections
367 votes can provide victory for a candidate in the Grand National

At the same time the parliamentarian noted this number creates a lot
of problems. Basoglu thinks that the Justice and Development party
will not be able to gather 367 votes either during the elections
scheduled for Sunday or during further elections. `This number is just
unrealistic for Justice and Development. That’s why certain works are
being carried out towards changing that article of the
Constitution. We want to legalize 50+1 principle in elections. If it
is fixed in the law, a necessity to hold an additional referendum will
occur,’ Basoglu explained.

On June 22 early parliamentarian elections are scheduled in
Turkey. Basoglu said the same day alongside with parliamentarian
elections a referendum on electing the president by direct national
vote will be held. `If no problems occur, on May 22 via referendum we
shall know the opinion of our population on electing country’s
president by citizens. When electoral boxes are unsealed the new
parliament will be formed, at the same time there will be other ballot
boxes, which will contain citizens’ answers on the question if they
want to elect the president through national vote, or the Grand
National Majlis will continue to do that. If the majority votes for
holding national presidential elections, a new period of presidential
elections will start,’ Basoglu said, adding that following it
candidatures will be nominated on behalf of citizens and members of
political parties. Commenting on the political situation within the
country Basoglu did not considered contradictions and political
polemics in Turkey as intense, Trend reports.