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Prosec. General of Turkey accuses Erdogan of inciting to break laws


Office of General Prosecutor of Turkey accuses Erdogan
of inciting to break laws
05.05.2007 15:30 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On May 4 Office of General Prosecutor of Turkey
launched an investigation towards

Prime Minister and leader of the Justice and Development ruling party
Recep Tayyip Erdogan. CNN Turk reports the Premier is accused of
trying to `to spread fear and panic among the population’, `humiliate
state judicial bodies’ and `incite breach of laws’.

Erdogan’s negative statements in connection with the decision of the
Constitutional Court served as a cause for accusations. The
Constitutional Court of the country nullified the first stage of
presidential elections. Last Wednesday the Prime Minister called that
verdict as a blow to democracy. `The parliamentarian procession of
presidential elections was stopped. This decision is a bullet shot
towards democracy,’ the Premier stated.

Erdogan himself turns down accusations and clarifies that it was his
reaction to the statement of Deniz Baykal, leader of Republican
People’s Party, which is in opposition. Baykal said if the first stage
of presidential elections is not nullified, the country will be `drawn
into conflict and clashes’. It also served as a cause for parallel
investigation in the Office of General Prosecutor, NEWSru.com reports.

Kanayan Tamar:
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