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BAKU: Joint Meeting Of Azerbaijani Strasbourg


Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
May 7 2007

France, Strasbourg / Òrend corr E. Mejidli / The Azerbaijani and
Turkish Diaspora organizations functioning in Strasbourg held a
joint meeting in the city. The meeting organized in the building
of permanent representation of Azerbaijan in the Council of Europe
(CE) was attended by representatives of the house of Azerbaijan, the
Association of Azerbaijani Students in France (AASF), the Strasbourg
office of the European Forum of Azerbaijani Students (EFAS), the
club-houses COJEP, Dialog, and ANKA. The permanent representative of
Azerbaijan in the CE, Arif Mammadov, Azerbaijani MPs Ganira Pashayeva
and Gular Ahmadova were in attendance as well.

Opening the meeting, Ambassador Mammadov indicated the importance of
regular meetings of this kind. He noted that the joint activities of
the two sister nations will have great impact in the future.

MP Ganira Pashayeva touched upon the influential Armenian lobby in
France. She noted the importance of joint activities against the
Armenian Diaspora and suggested the formation of a co-ordinating
council of the organizations of Turkic-speaking countries in France.

The event continued in the form of meetings and the media
representatives received answers to their questions.

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Chilingarian Babken:
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