AXA: Armenian Insurance Settlement Distribution

Jean Eckian / Paris

08-05-2007 18:13:41

In 2004, American attorneys of Armenian origin, Mark Geragos (former
business partner of Bill Clinton and pop star Michael Jackson),
Vartkes Yeghiayan and Brian Kabatek, representatives the interests
of the Armenians in the world, launched a vast procedure against to
several banks and insurance companies to recover the money deposited
as well as the fruit of the life insurances which the victims of the
Armenian Genocide had subscribed in Ottoman Empire before 1915.

On Monday May 7, 2007, in a living room of Ritz Hotel in Paris,
attorneys informed the French and Armenian Press on the conditions
which must meet the descendants of the victims of the Genocide to be
able to profit from a compensation poured by French insurance AXA. At
the end of agreement, USD 11 million will go toward have fund designed
to pay valid claims of heirs of policyholders and beneficiaries of
policies issued by AXA Group subsidiaries that did business in the
Turkish Ottoman Empire before 1915.

The Armenians of all the countries are concerned and possible
recipients must consult the listing published by website

Toda y, the attorneys are in Berlin (Germany) to take action in justice
against Deustche Bank which holds illegally USD 20 million value 1915.