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Winning War Is Not Enough, We Should Take Victory Under Our Care, Ge


Noyan Tapan
May 08 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 8, NOYAN TAPAN. The May 8 events dedicated to
Yerkrapah Day started by visits to Yerablur pantheon by members of
RA government and Yerkrapah Volunteers’ Union, political figures,
a great number of yerkrapahs and members of families of perished
freedom-fighters. They laid flowers to the graves of Sparapet Vazgen
Sargsian, freedom-fighters who perished in the Karabakh war.

The same day a solemn sitting took place at H. Paronian State Theater
of Musical Comedy. The participants of the sitting stood in silence
for one minute to respect the memory of those who perished in the
Great Patriotic War and Karabakh war. Leader of Ararat Diocese Bishop
Navasard Kchoyan conveyed the Patriarch’s behest to the yerkrapahs.

"The enemy was defeated by the strength of your collective force,
and Shoushi liberation was the first among desirable victories,"
RA Defence Minister Mikayel Haroutiunian said in his speech. "Maybe
the homeland has not managed yet to pay back what you deserve, but
believe me that no one has been forgotten, nothing has been forgotten,"
the Minister said.

He said that the festivities dedicated to Yerkrapah day make part
of the festivities of 15th anniversary of formation of our army and
they will finish on May 9, with the festive events dedicated to the
15th anniversary of Shoushi liberation.

Chairman of Yerkrapah Volunteers’ Union Board, Deputy Defence Minister,
Major-General Manvel Grigorian called the yerkrapah for "taking the
country, its glory and voice under its care." In his words, only
winning the war is not enough, "we should take the victory under our
care, otherwise the others will do this." The General called everybody
for taking part in the elections on May 12 and making a right choice
for country’s future.

"We brought up our sons so that they were able to rise at the moment of
disaster and to go to the battlefield understanding for what they are
going. They went, fought, won, liberated," Vazgen Sargsian’s mother,
Amalia Sargsian, whom yerkrapahs call "mother" said addressing to

She was given Vazgen Sargsian medal under storm of applause of
those present. During the solemn sitting part of freedom-fighters
were given the governmental awards of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh,
as well as medals of Yerkrapah Volunteers’ Union.

Tadevosian Garnik:
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