Republic Of South Ossetia And Transdnestr MFA Congratulated Nagorno-


DeFacto Agency, Armenia
May 10 2007

In connection with May 9 the Republic of South Ossetia and Transdnestr
Moldavian Republic MFA sent congratulatory messages to the NKR MFA.

The South Ossetia MFA message runs, in part: "Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia pays its devoir to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic and has
the honor to send sincere congratulations to the Ministry employees,
veterans and all the heroic people of Artsakh in connection with
the 62nd Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and
Shoushi Liberation Day. Highly estimating the Nagorno-Karabagh people’s
contribution to common struggle against fascism, we together honor the
memory of those perished and pay tribute to the Great Patriotic War’s
living veterans, whose glorious fighting traditions were decently
continued by the Karabagh people’s young generation, who defended
their Motherland’s Freedom and Independence. Expressing our warm and
cordial wishes, we are convinced that the Artsakh people will go on
along the way of maintenance of peace, strengthening its statehood,
successful social, economic and cultural development".

"A bright example of courage, firmness and selflessness of our
grandfathers and fathers urges us to struggle for firm peace on the
land of Transdnestr, defend the priorities of creative and enjoying
equal rights international cooperation. On the nation-wide holiday of
military Glory and civil Courage the TMR MFA again assures the NKR MFA
of its respect and wishes all the employees of the Ministry happiness,
health, peace and prosperity!" the Transdnestr Moldavian Republic MFA
congratulatory message says, in part, the NKR MFA Press Office reports.