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Movses Hakobyan appointed NKR Defense Minister


11.05.2007 16:14 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ May 11 NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan signed a decree
on appointing Movses Hakobyan Defense Minister and Commander of the
NKR Defense Army. By another decree Movses Hakobyan was dismissed from
the post of the chief of the general staff of the Defense Army. Deputy
Defense Minister Levon Mnatsakanyan assumed the vacant office, IA
Regnum reports.

Today Nagorno Karabakh President Arkady Ghukasian also signed a decree
on dismissal of Seyran Ohanyan from the post of Defense Minister and
Commander of the NKR Defense Army.

Presently Seyran Ohanyan is one of the candidates for the post of the
chief of the RA armed forces’ general staff. May 2 he announced that
he received the proposal on the appointment and gave consent.

Presently the authority of chief of the RA armed forces’ general
staff is entrusted to first deputy Enrico Apriamov.

The post is vacant after the appointment of Mikael Harutyunyan Defense
Minister of Armenia.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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