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Aram Sargsian: Public Is Disposed Resolutely…


YEREVAN, MAY 11, NOYAN TAPAN. "Law enforcement bodies exceeded their
authority during the peaceful procession, which took place after the
May 9 rally." Leaders of Impeachment bloc Nikol Pashinian, of Nor
Zhamanakner Party Aram Karapetian and Hanrapetutiun Party Aram
Sargsian stated this at the May 11 joint press conference.

In N. Pashinian’s words, statements of RA Police and Prosecutor
General’s Office, which were spread after the conflict between
demonstrants and Police, are the evidence of the fact that these
structures do not know the legislative field where they work. Thus,
according to the Constitution, before preventing some procession or
demonstration law enforcement bodies should address participants of
these actions twice by loud-speakers and declare about their claims,
which, however, was not done. Besides, they stole the megaphone from
the organizers of the action, so, they deprived them of possibility to
keep under control actions of demonstrants. It was mentioned that both
the rally and the procession were sanctioned by the town authorities.

"We are going to undertake all measures depending on us to call to
liability the respective officials of law enforcement bodies," N.
Pashinian stated.

As regards the circumstance, whether radical opposition leaders
exclude recurrence of such incidents after the elections, A. Sargsian
said: "As political forces, we have been given an order by the public
and we are obliged to fulfil this order. The public is disposed
resolutely and we have no lack of resolution."

As for the statement made by Armenian President Robert Kocharian on
May 10 that some political figures "start to ride the high horse
during the elections forgetting that their last refuge can become
harisa (Armenian national dish), A. Sargsian said: "If a problem of
cooking harisa arises, the people will cook it, no matter whether
Robert Kocharian wishes this or not."

Tvankchian Parkev:
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