Armenian president backs opposition’s involvement in new parliament

Armenian president backs opposition’s involvement in new parliament

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
10 May 07

Armenian President Robert Kocharyan has praised the course of the
parliamentary election campaign in Armenia. In an interview with
Armenian TV journalists, he said that the 2007 election campaign is
different from the previous ones as equal opportunities have been
provided for all political forces and the government has not
interfered in the course of the campaign. The president also said that
he is in favour of the opposition’s representation in the parliament
since a parliament is not complete if there is no opposition in it.
Kocharyan also spoke about tasks and challenges facing the country
after the election and urged people to make a responsible choice on
election day. The following is an excerpt from report by Armenian
Public TV on 10 May. Subheadings have been inserted editorially:

Government working well despite election campaign

[Armen Arzumanyan, Public TV] First, I would like to ask a question
that has little connection with the parliamentary election. Several
months ago you asked the government to work so that the election
process does not affect its activity. How do you evaluate the work of
the ministers and the government in this period?

[Kocharyan] The task set to the government was clear. The election
should follow its course, but the government should work fully without
active involvement in the election process which would make us lose
the development pace we have. I can state that the government has
resolved the issue. If you compare the work done on the action
programme of the government, published in January, and go through the
objectives, you will see that there has not been any deviation
throughout the election process.

Moreover, usually the most difficult issue during an election is
collecting taxes. In four months taxes amounting to about 3bn drams
[8m dollars] have been collected, which was more than planned by the
budget. The country’s economy has grown by 11 per cent. Tax collection
has grown by 25 per cent. This means that even during the election
campaign, there is a battle going on against the shadow economy. The
11 per cent difference is a result of it. This is why I stress once
again that the government has solved its task in this period. You
have probably noticed that a big number of ministers are not
participating in the election campaign. They are fulfilling their
official responsibilities. I repeat, the task was presented clearly,
and has been resolved.

Substantial difference from previous campaigns

[Gagik Lazarian, Armenia TV] Mr President, the election campaign
period will end within several hours. What peculiarities did this
election campaign have according to you?

[Kocharyan] This campaign was substantially different from all other
election processes. First of all, it was different by all the
liberties that all the participants in the election process had. There
has not been any hindrance, any problem for any party to meet people,
whether in a hall or in a public meeting. Airtime was available, you
have all been participating in this process. All political forces
have had the opportunity to pass their message to the people. It is
another issue that different parties use this opportunity with
different capacities. This is connected with the human resources of
the parties, their financial abilities, and possibly the lack of fresh
ideas. This is how a campaign goes.

We are now entering the next stage, which is the election. In the
first stage a lot depended on the will of the government in terms of
the use of liberties. After all, it was possible to hinder through
force, through police, etc. However, the political will was
demonstrated clearly.

In the first stage, some things depended on the government. In the
second stage, the actual election is organized by the political
forces. The 12 May election largely depends on the political
forces. The political forces that mostly bear this responsibility are
the ones that make up the election commissions. The ones responsible
are also all the parties that participate in election, as they have
trusted people in commissions and are responsible for those people, in
order for rigging not to happen.

It is interesting that the parties that mostly speak of rigging are
the ones that participate in the organization of the election
commissions. Who is going to rig without their participation? I call
on the parties participating in the election process to do the work
they are required to do with great responsibility. I appoint one
person in each constituency, and will do everything to follow the
process through those people to some extent. It is only one person out
of nine commission members, which is also important between the two
stages of the election process.

There are of course unpleasant incidents, which I would like to speak
about. It is obvious that there are parties participating in the
elections that intend to downgrade the election. A very clear logic
works here. The election will end, the 2008 presidential election is
expected. The more difficulties there are in this election, the weaker
the government will be, and they will have an opportunity for a better
struggle in the presidential election. They hurt the homeland by
following their own purposes. All this does not have another
explanation. During my meeting with students I clearly defined this
phenomenon, and I am still of the same opinion.


[Shavarsh Gevorgyan, Second TV Channel] Mr President, there are
certainly many voters now, who have not made a decision. In this stage
there are a lot of promises and it is hard to decide. How do you
suggest the election should be approached?

[Kocharyan] I am certain that there is a clear way of making a
decision. Firstly, the challenges, threats and the biggest issue
facing Armenia should be analyzed. These issues should be solved
according to their importance. The next step should be looking at the
list of the parties participating in the election and ask a question –
which of the parties are able to solve issues and challenges facing
Armenia. Feelings should not be considered, a practical and pragmatic
evaluation should be carried out; these are the problems of Armenia
and these are the ones who will solve the problems, or at least intend
to. People should consider the experience of the parties, the
knowledge, the ability to control a situation and party members.

Personally I think that the foremost challenge facing Armenia is its
security and the inviolability of its borders. After the election,
Armenia will remain in this complicated region, among complicated
neighbours. The [Nagornyy] Karabakh issue remains unresolved, and we
hear threats from Azerbaijan every week to resume the war. Think of
who is able to face this challenge. Is it the politicians who have
gone through the war and participated in the organization of the armed
forces, or the ones who cannot differentiate a battalion from a
company or a rifle from a machine-gun, the ones whose proportional
list does not include any participant in the war? Think of whom you
are entrusting the security of your family.

The second challenge facing Armenia is, of course, continuing the
development of the economy, which means a solution to social
issues. It is pointless to speak of resolving social issues without
keeping economic growth. People should think again, which party will
solve this issue better. Is it the political forces that have been
with the president for six years in a row, the ones that have started
the positive developments and will continue them being sure that they
can double the success, or is it the people who have not done anything
throughout their lives and have left no trace in this country but
writing articles and speaking in vain. Whom should this issue be
trusted? Is it those who have created thousands of jobs in the private
sector, have become wealthy and do not hide it, and are now doing
charity, or is it those who have lost their posts because of their
emptiness, have become political beggars and think only of revenge?
Everyone should ask himself these questions, and should try to answer
them honestly, and I am certain that everyone will make the correct

Parliament incomplete without opposition

[Arzumanyan] Mr President, parties are usually set up in Armenia
around one person. People vote by trusting the leader of a party. This
is considered to be a result of imperfect Armenian politics. On the
other hand, the leader of a party plays an important role in the
party. What do you think of this?

[Kocharyan] I agree with your assessment. It is really important for
our people who the leader of a particular party is.

[Passage omitted: Kocharyan speaks of characteristic that a politician
or a political leader should have]

I do not accept fussy politicians. They become even fussier during
election rallies and meetings with people.

[Passage omitted: more details on the features a politician should

[Lazarian] Mr President, do you have forecasts concerning the new
parliament or how would you like to see the parliament? I am not
speaking of the percentage, but a broader perspective. What sort of
parliament will we have?

[Kocharyan] Of course, I will not speak of percentages to avoid
speculations. I will try to speak of some principles. The first is
that it is very important that the new parliament and the president
are able to cooperate. If a conflict begins between the two important
political institutions, the people will suffer. We see Ukraine’s

[Passage omitted: details about the political and economic situation
in Ukraine]

The second important factor is that the parties represented in
parliament can cooperate with each other. The possibility that one
political force will have an absolute majority is little in order for
it to form a government. We already have experience in coalition
government, and forces should come forth that can cooperate, both
personally and in terms of programmes. If this factor does not exist,
the parliament will be a place of unnecessary tensions.

What I personally would like to see in parliament is, of course, the
substantial representation of the Republican Party in parliament. They
have both experience and ability. They control the situation and will
continue the positive development of the past years. I think that it
will be correct if the Prosperous Armenia Party [PAP] and the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun [ARFD] are substantially
represented in parliament. The PAP will bring freshness, and the ARFD,
which has old traditions, will be positive both in terms of preserving
national values and relations with the diaspora. The presence of the
United Labour Party will also be useful for the country.

However, the parliament is not complete if there is no opposition. I
truly want the opposition to be represented well in parliament. Of
course, the constructive part of it should be represented. If there is
no opposition, the political forces that comprise the government will
hardly work well. I do not want to list the opposition parties that I
would like to see in parliament and that are worthy of it, in order to
avoid further speculation. However, I think that the country will
develop if there is an experienced majority in the parliament and
organized and constructive opposition. The two factors comprise the
parliament together, and are one of the most important parts of the

Responsible choice

[Gevorgyan] Mr President, only one day is left to the elections. What
would you like to say to the Armenian people?

[Kocharyan] They should think well and make a responsible decision. I
already talked about most of my wishes. I would add that the
newly-formed parliament will have much greater responsibilities than
the previous one. People often think that the parliament has little
authority and that the president makes all important
decisions. However, the situation has changed since amendments to the
constitution. The development of parliament should be considered very
seriously now. People should not think that the president will resolve
the issue of the parliament.

We should have a strong, active and constructive parliament, working
with which the president will be able to work towards development,
continuing to serve the citizens and the country. There is a lot of
work. We should all be responsible by participating actively and
making a responsible choice.