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Authorities `took up open terror’, Opposition Parties state

Mediamax News Agency, Armenia
May 11 2007

Armenian authorities `took up open terror’, `Impeachment’ bloc,
`Republic’ and `New Times’ parties stated

Yerevan, May 11. /Mediamax/. The pre-election campaign of the `real
opposition’ dispelled the atmosphere of fear in the society, the
statement of `Impeachment’ bloc, `Republic’ and `New Times’ parties,
which was spread today, reads.

Mediamax reports that the statement reads that `not resigning oneself
to the given fact, the regime took up open terror’. `Violence against
the participants of a peaceful procession of May 9 became the final
link in the chain of tyranny and political terror’, the authors of
the statement argue.

`By this cynical provocation, the authorities once again roughly
violated the right of the citizens for participation in rallies and
processions. The regime loses self-control and takes up reckless
methods for the preservation and reproduction of the illegal power’,
the statement reads.

`Impeachment’ bloc, `Republic’ and `New Times’ parties informed that
they intend to take measures to bring to account the people, `who
gave an order to attack the participants of the rally’.

Mediamax notes that the Yerevan City Administration stated yesterday
that the organizers of the rally did not have approval for holding a
procession. Armenian Police, in is turn, stated that the skirmishes
started after one of the leaders of the `Impeachment’ bloc Nikol
Pashinian, together with a group of people, broke through the
surrounding, set up near the building of the National Security
Service of Armenia.–0–

Tashjian Arbi:
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