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BBC Monitoring quotes from Armenian press 13 May 07

BBC Monitoring quotes from Armenian press 13 May 07

The following is a selection of quotes from articles and commentaries
published in the 13 May 07 editions of Armenian newspapers:

Reactions to the parliamentary election

Hayots Ashkharh (pro-government) "Continuous disgrace of elections is
one of the most important conditions for successful coloured
revolutions. Radical opposition, "human rights" organizations and
observers funded by international organizations work hand in hand to
achieve this goal. A well-established mechanism is put into
operation. Everybody knows what they have to do." (Commentary by
Vrezh Aharonyan)

Golos Armenii (pro-government) "It is virtually absolutely obvious to
everyone that not many have expected such a high voter turnout, no
matter what comments were made ahead of the 12 May parliamentary
election or whatever attempts to question its outcome well in advance
were made by some political forces. This said, it has turned out that
our citizens, judging by everything, have demonstrated their
positions, being aware that the current presidential election is of
crucial importance for the country as the presidential election will
follow in less than a year." (Commentary by A. Chilingaryan)

Azg (centrist) "The main conclusion on this 12 May parliamentary
election probably is that the first-past-the-post system has exhausted
itself and cannot exist without vote-rigging. Most election fraud and
shortcomings detected during the voting day in and outside polling
stations are done by the candidates running under the
first-past-the-post system." (Commentary by A. M.)

Aravot (opposition) "I have to say that while the `victory’ of the
authorities is not deserved, the defeat of the opposition is well
deserved. Both the radical and the moderate opposition forces did
their best to have the results we have today." (Commentary by editor
Aram Abrahamyan)

Haykakan Zhamanak (opposition) "Armenian citizens can calm down: the
Republican Party of Armenia has no intention of taking the 150 per
cent of the votes in 12 May parliamentary election. At least as of
yesterday, 12 May, the votes of the RPA did not exceed 100 per
cent. If speaking more seriously, we have to state that the 2007
parliamentary election was notable by the better-organized
fraud". (Editorial)

Torgomian Varazdat:
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