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CIS observers: election campaign in support of political parties

CIS observers: election campaign in support of political parties and
candidates was held correctly

2007-05-13 13:44:00

In the opinion of CIS observers, the election campaign in support of
the political parties and candidates was held in Armenia in open and
correct way, the statement of CIS international observers says upon
results of monitoring of the parliamentary election in Armenia.

As the documents notes, the CIS observers were present during toss-up
in CEC on the priority of granting free air time for the election
campaign to the parties and candidates. The local executive power
agencies have provided them with opportunities to hold a free
agitation campaign, meet the voters and present their programmes. The
CIS observers positively assess the measures taken by the republic to
assure equal conditions of the election campaign for all the political
parties and candidates.

The monitoring of news programmes of "A1" and "Armenia" TV channels,
as well as of the "Golos Armenii" and "Novoye Vremya", "Azg", "Hayots
Ashkhar", "Aravot" newspapers, carried out from April 8 to May 10,
have shown that the participation of parties and candidates was
broadcasted in line with the EC, which is indicated by the fact that
only one violation was revealed by the National TV and Radio
Committee. No cases of abuse, psychological and physical coercion in
favour of separate participants of the election process were fixed
during monitoring. The CIS monitoring mission considers the order of
the Prosecutor General about creation of working groups for
coordination of activities of the Prosecutor’s Office on consideration
of messages about violations during the election as a positive fact.

According to the data of the Prosecutor General’s Office, it has
received 34 messages about violations during the election
campaign. The National TV and Radio Committee have examined two
applications about breach of the Law-established order on holding the
election campaign. The courts have received 43 writs and complaints
concerning the election process. The CIS observers think that the
complaints and applications about violations during the election
campaign are considered in accordance with RA legislation.

Jalatian Sonya:
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