Categories: News

Inaccuracies On the Lists


[12:15 pm] 12 May, 2007

The beginning of Parliamentary elections was very
active in Erebuni Community. About 8 a.m. in the 8th
street of the Community a great number of mini buses
were gathered and they moved in different directions.

Our journalist noticed many inaccuracies in the
voters’ lists. Citizens also confirm the fact of
lists’ inaccuracies. It was obvious that 20-30 percent
of voters were either absent from Armenia or moved to
other apartments.

One of Erebuni Community resident’s said, `39 people
are on the list from our entrance whereas only 19-20
neighbors live there and 3 of them are tenants’. The
resident who provided this information to our
journalist did not wish to mention his/her name as he
would face problems with the Community administration.

Hunanian Jack:
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