Present Electoral Code ensures strong basis for holding free elecs.

Present Electoral Code of Armenia ensures strong basis for holding free and
democratic election, the CIS observers think

2007-05-13 13:43:00

Present Electoral Code of Armenia ensures strong basis for holding
free and democratic election, the head of the CIS observers’ mission
Vladimir Rushailo said at the press-conference taken place in Yerevan,

Nevertheless the CIS observers think that further improvement and
specification of some norms of the EC is desirable. For instance, it
is expedient to give an opportunity of voting to the Armenian citizens
living in abroad temporarily. It is also desirable to extend the
number of people that have a right to vote out of the ballot
station. Moreover, voters staying in hospital should be given an
opportunity to vote by means of mobile election box. The CIS
observers think that the problem should be revised, according to which
election commissions should be given the right to involve a citizen,
which lives at the territory of the given ballot station but does not
have a certificate of the authorized structure or a court verdict, in
the additional list of voters on the eve of the election or at the day
of election. Separate procedures foreseen by EC (putting ballot-papers
in envelop, their stamping) delay the voting process very much, and
there is no need of them. Representatives of the political parties
when meeting the CIS observers also spoke about expediency of
improvement of some EC norms.