Turkey’s Republic Popular Party calls for denying visa to Armenians

Turkey’s Republic Popular Party calls for denying visa to Armenian
citizens for a while

2007-05-12 15:23:00

Turkish Republic Popular Party member, parliamentarian Shukru Elekdag
has condemned Armenia for denying for visa to Turkish representatives
of the OSCE, who were to observe parliamentary elections in the

According to Zaman, MP told APA’s bureau that Turkey has to stop
granting visa to Armenian citizens for a while as a reply.

"On one hand Armenia demands to open borders with Turkey, but on the
other it denies Turkish representatives for visa. This shows Armenia
pursues a hypocritical policy. Armenia thinks Turkey is afraid of
European Union, as well as the USA and standing this viewpoint it takes
such steps. But Ankara is to react to this by all means. Armenian
citizens shouldn’t receive visa for a month. It should be Turkey’s
message that it is always ready to reply properly. We have to take
appropriate measures if we respect ourselves. Armenia doesn’t want
Turkey to observe the current situation in the country. Turkish
observers should insist on getting visa", he underscored. As for the
position of the OSCE on the issue, Elekdag considers the organization
should support its representatives.

"The OSCE should refuse to observe the elections as Turkish
parliamentarians fail to get visa. Armenia feels free to do anything
because there is no pressure on it. Armenia thinks Turkey is going to
make unilateral concession. That’s why Armenian citizens shouldn’t
receive visa to Turkey", he noted.