Greenpeace Builds Replica of Noah’s Ark

Greenpeace Builds Replica of Noah’s Ark

New York Times
May 16, 2007

ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — Environmental activists are building a replica of
Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat — where the biblical vessel is said to have
landed after the great flood — in an appeal for action on global warming,
Greenpeace said Wednesday.

Turkish and German volunteer carpenters are making the wooden ship on the
mountain in eastern Turkey, bordering Iran. The ark will be revealed in a
ceremony on May 31, a day after Greenpeace activists climb the mountain and
call on world leaders to take action to tackle climate change, Greenpeace

”Climate change is real, it’s happening now and unless world leaders take
urgent, decisive and far-reaching action, the next decades will see human
misery on a scale not experienced in modern times,” said Greenpeace
activist Hilal Atici. ”Those leaders have a mandate from the people … to
massively cut greenhouse gas emissions and to do it now.”

Many countries are struggling to address global and national standards for
carbon emissions. U.N. delegates are meeting this week in Germany to prepare
for December negotiations on a new set of international rules for
controlling emissions. The new accord would succeed the Kyoto Protocol,
which ends in 2012.

Climate change will also be on the agenda when the Group of Eight major
industrialized countries — the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Japan,
Italy, Canada and Russia — meet in Germany in June.
