Who Fears The Opposition He Fears For His Position, RPA Press-Secret


2007-05-16 00:14:00

"The greatest part of the Armenian population connects their future
with the Republican Party of Armenia and its leader Serzh Sargsyan. So,
I do not deny that Serzh Sargsyan will run for president in 2008," RPA
Press Secretary Eduard Sharmazanov said at a press conference, Tuesday.

He said that theoretically RPA is ready to cooperate with all the
political forces. Neither the independent government nor formation of a
coalition is an end in itself for the RPA. E. Sharmazanov said they are
negotiating and possible changes in the parliament will become known
on May 31. Commenting on ARFD’s statement that it has no intention to
participate in the coalition government formally, E. Sharmazanov said:
"I am very glad as nothing must be on formal basis in Armenia from now
on." He said RPA has an unbiased attitude to all the parties. Speaking
of the RPA criticizing Prosperous Armenia party, he said: "Criticizing
a party does not mean underestimating its leader."

Speaking of the election, E. Sharmazanov said that despite the
shortcomings, they were the best election of the 21st century. He
regretted that the United Labour Party failed to enter the parliament
and that the Armenian National Movement party did not participate in
the election as it has rather a serious ideology. He said RPA would
like to see a strong and constructive opposition in Armenia. "Who
fears the opposition, he fears for his position," E. Sharmazanov said.

He pointed out that according to preliminary data, RPA won 65 mandates
and Prosperous Armenia – 26.