To More Effectively Organize Work At Parliament And Government, RPA


Noyan Tapan
May 17 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 17, NOYAN TAPAN. Emphasizing the fact of activization
of the political dialogue between the two states during the recent
years, what was also displayed by implementation of a number of mutual
visits of high level, RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsian and Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of German
to the RA Heike Peitsch spoke at the May 16 meeting for continuing
and more deepening that process.

The RA Prime Minister mentioned that Armenia attaches importance
to the political dialogue with Germany within the context of both
bilateral relations and development of the European and Euroatlantic
cooperation. In S. Sargsian’s words, Germany, as the present presiding
country of the European Union as well as one of the biggest donor
countries of the EU, can have a considerable contribution at the
stage of implementation of the EU-Armenia Actions Plan.

Touching upon the parliamentary elections held in Armenia, the German
Ambassador said that estimations of different monitoring missions,
in general, prove that free and fair elections were held which are a
rather big progress compared with the previous ones. Heike Peitsch
expressed a hope that the presented remarks and proposals, noticed
defects about which the RA President as well mentioned, will be taken
into consideration and corrected till the next elections.

S. Sargsian, expressing gratitude for the presented estimation,
attached importance to opinions and observations of all those
countries, international organizations which assisted and assist
Armenia on the way of solution of the existing problems and with
which Armenia cooperates.

Responding the Ambassador’s question, if the political force headed by
the Prime Minister which having the absolute majority at the parliament
will form a government without other political forces represented
at the parliament, the Prime Minister said that possibilities of
the Republican Party are quite enough for taking that step but, to
organize work both at government and at parliament more effectively
and to use possibilities of all capable forces in the interests of the
state and people, they will attempt to make them as well participant
of that work.

The interlocutors expressed their satisfaction concerning the
Armenian-German bilateral relations as well, mentioning that there is
still great unused potention in the sense of economic cooperation as
well in the direction of what an active work is done. Heike Peitsch
mentioned that the German side is pleased with all the programs
implemented in Armenia with the assistance of the German government and
will continue mutual cooperation with the government of Armenia in the
direction of liberation and reforms of the market, development of the
hypothecary market and in a number of other directions. The Ambassador
stated that the agreement on military cooperation is also at the
final stage of development and will be ready for signing very soon. He
assured that after the end of the term of presiding at the EU in late
June, his country will continue deepening the cooperation with Armenia
within the framework of both bilateral and EU Neighbourhood Policy.