Armenian opposition rallies against parliamentary election outcomes


Armenian opposition rallies against parliamentary election outcomes
18.05.2007 21:02 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Impeachment bloc, New Times party, Republic party,
Orinats Yerkir party and the People’s Party of Armenia have organized
a rally in Yerevan’s Liberty Square to protest the outcomes of May 12
parliamentary elections.

The opposition forces failed to organize a mass rally again. The
number of people in Liberty Square did not exceed 3 thousand.

Meanwhile, Nikol Pashinyan, the leader and idea-monger of the protest
rallies, said `it’s only a start.’ `We are forging victory step by
step,’ he said adding that `the most important thing now is to press
for annulment of the election results and organize an extra vote,’ IA
Regnum reports.

After the rally the oppositionists are going to walk down towards the
Republic Square where most of the government buildings are located.
From: Baghdasarian