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BAKU: Nagorno Karabakh debated in Salt Lake city

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
May 19 2007

Nagorno Karabakh debated in Salt Lake city

[ 19 May 2007 12:51 ]

The conference on Nagorno Karabakh conflict has been held at Salt
Lake City the capital of the state of Utah.

The conference initiated by Political Research Department of Salt
Lake City University discussed the occupation of Lachin and Shusha
regions of Azerbaijan focusing on the solution ways of the conflict,
head of Turkish World and Nationalism Department at Political
Research department of Salt Lake University Hakan Yavuz told APA.
He said Azerbaijan Consul General to Los-Angeles Elin Suleymanov,
specialist on Azerbaijan and the author of `Azerbaijan Diary’ book
Thomas Goltz, celebrated US journalist, the author of several films
about Southern Caucasus region Dodge Billingslyin, the professor of
Wisconsin-Madison University Gulay Shamiloghlu and about 60
intellectuals participated in the conference.
Elin Suleymanov spoke on the history of Armenian occupation of
ancient Azerbaijan towns Shusha and Lachin, stressing that the
occupation turns 15 year. Elin Suleymanov on the demonstration of
Soviet period films about Nagorno Karabakh informed the participants
of the vandalism facts in the period of Armenian occupation. Consul
General said official Baku is making efforts to settle the conflict
over its occupied territories within territorial integrity of sates
under international law.
The professor of Montana University Thomas Goltz told APA the
historical maps on the region were demonstrated in the conference. He
compared the historical ethnic borders on the basis of ancient maps.
Thomas Goltz demonstrated the map on so called `Armenian from Sea to
Giulay Shamiloghlu, professor of Wisconsin-Madison University
stressing the pathological hostile attitude of Armenians towards all
nations of Turkish roots said this is the substantial factor in the
character of conflict.
The conference at Salt Lake University is to be broadcasted at Public
Radio of Utah State.
Utah has the biggest Armenian community in US. Businessmen from Utah
have been invested in energy and chemical industry of Caucasus
states. The church of Marmons has large religious network in
Caucasus. After the conference, Elin Suleymanov met the leadership of
Marmons church and Senate. /APA/

Nanijanian Alex:
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